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@database "WBStart-handler"
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Documentation for WBStart V1.3 27-Jun-1993
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.
Copyright (C) 1991-93 Stefan Becker
No program, document, data file or source code from this software
package, neither in whole nor in part, may be included or used in other
software packages unless it is authorized by a written permission from the
There is no warranty for this software package. Although the author has
tried to prevent errors, he can't guarantee that the software package
described in this document is 100% reliable. You are therefore using this
material at your own risk. The author cannot be made responsible for any
damage which is caused by using this software package.
This software package is freely distributable. It may be put on any
media which is used for the distribution of free software, like Public
Domain disk collections, CDROMs, FTP servers or bulletin board systems.
In order to ensure the integrity of this software package, distributors
should use the original archive file WBStart1_3.lha. The author cannot be
made responsible if this software package has become unusable due to
modifications of the archive contents or of the archive file itself.
There is no limit on the costs of the distribution, e.g. for the media,
like floppy disks, streamer tapes or compact disks, or the process of
duplicating. Such limits have been proven to be harmful to the idea of
freely distributable software, e.g. instead of reducing the price of the
floppy disk below the limit, the software was simply removed from the
master disk.
Although the author does not impose any limit on the distribution of
this software package, he would like to express his personal opinions on
this matter:
* This software package should be made available to everyone free of
charge whenever it is possible.
* If you have acquired this software package under normal conditions from
a Public Domain dealer on a floppy disk at a price higher than 5DM or
US $5, then you have definitely paid too much. Please don't support
this improper profit making any longer and switch to a cheaper source
as soon as possible.
No program, document, data file or source code from this software
package, neither in whole nor in part, may be used on any machine which is
* for the research, development, construction, testing or production of
weapons or other military applications. This also includes any machine
which is used in the education for any of the above mentioned
* by people who accept, support or use violence against other people,
e.g. citizens from foreign countries.
Support Fred Fish and his AmigaLibDisk collection! If you have some
money to spare then please set up a subscription of his disks or donate it
to him directly. If he has to close down, we will loose our main source for
freely distributable Amiga software.
What is the purpose of this program?
WBStart is a package to emulate the Workbench startup procedure. Emulating
this method is easy, because you only have to load a program, create a process
for it and then send a WB startup message to it. The only problem is this
startup message, because it contains memory and directory locks owned by your
process and it is only returned after the WB process ends. So you can't leave
your program until ALL WB processes you created have ended, or the replied
messages will go into nowhere land.
WBStart solves this problem by using a handler process, which handles the
creation of the processes and then waits for the reply messages. You just send
a message to the handler port, which contains all needed information, like
name and parameters. The handler duplicates this information, so you can free
your copy and leave your program.
Installation & Usage
Just copy the file WBStart-Handler into your L: directory. Be sure to set the
execute flag on this file with
Protect L:WBStart-Handler +e
You can break WBStart-Handler by sending a CTRL-C to its process. If all WB
processes have returned, it will exit.
WBStarter is an example program how to use the handler. It has the following
WBStarter <command> [<command> ...]
WBStarter tries to start every command as WB process without parameters. If
the handler is not running, WBStarter tries to start it.
How to use WBStart-Handler from your programs
The handler opens a public message port named "WBStart-Handler Port". You must
send a message of the following type to this port:
struct WBStartMsg {
struct Message wbsm_Msg;
char *wbsm_Name;
BPTR wbsm_DirLock;
ULONG wbsm_Stack;
LONG wbsm_Prio;
ULONG wbsm_NumArgs;
struct WBArg *wbsm_ArgList;
Standard message structure. You MUST initialize the mn_ReplyPort field to
your own message port.
Pointer to a string, which contains the name of the program. The handler
recognizes project icons and extracts the default tool.
Lock on a directory. wbsm_Name will be used relative to this directory.
Stack size for the new process. Minimum is 4096 Bytes. If a tool icon
exists, then the stack size from the icon is used. When this message is
replied, this field contains a boolean, which indicates the success of the
Priority of the new process. Must be in the range -128..127.
Number of arguments in wbsm_ArgList. May be 0.
Pointer to an array of WB Arguments. These arguments contain lock on a
directory and a pointer to a file name, which is relative to the
directory. Look into <workbench/startup.h> for the definition of this data
Look into the C source for WBStarter for the details.
This program was compiled with DICE, Matt Dillon's superb C compiler. Just
say "DMake" and it will produce the binary.
1.3 (27.06.1993)
- The handler now copies the path from the WB process. This solves the
problems with programs which use WB2CLI() or similiar functions to get
the WB path list, e.g. SYS:System/CLI.
My apologies to Michael Sinz, Michael B. Smith and the GRn beta testers.
- The handler now scans the path list when it tries to load a program.
- The handler now uses NewLoadSeg() instead of LoadSeg().
- Major source cleanup.
1.2 (21.09.1992)
- corrected version strings
1.1 (13.09.1992)
- Fixes weird return bug in WBStart
- Fixes "Insert volume PROGDIR:..." bug
1.0 (24.11.1991)
- Initial release
Contact addresses
Send comments, suggestions or bug reports to:
Snail : Stefan Becker, Holsteinstrasse 9, 52068 Aachen, GERMANY
EMail : stefanb@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de